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    Help bring change to Alexandria; volunteer at Fernando Torrez for Alexandria City Council events.



This evening is very critical for Small businesses in Alexandria. Join me!I am part of the A-Frame and ​​Digital ​S​ignage C​ommittee and I oppose the possible recommendation to City Council for the removal of all A-frame signage that will permanently hurt small businesses on King Street and all over Alexandria. 

This will make Alexandria less business friendly and reduce the opportunities for the city to expand it's commercial tax base. Join me and other business leaders as we stand up for small businesses in Alexandria. Let's make a differnce TONIGHT at 7PM at the Sister cities, Room 1101 in C​ity ​H​all. I look forward to seeing you and prevent this from happening- this is a FREE EVENT.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event with Governor George Allen​ on September 9th!

Again, thank you for your support and I look forward to your vote on November 3!

If you're unable to attend, stay in touch by following us through our social media. Please remember to make a donation to our campagin, we need your help.

Fernando Torrez
Alexandria City Council Candidate

For A Better Alexandria


About Fernando Torrez

Political leaders come and go during our lifetime, but it is the ones that leave a memorable mark on our lives and society that we so desperately seek.

Fernando Torrez fits the profile of such a leader. Since early in his life, Fernando has always put others’ needs before his own. Fernando is a natural born leader who proudly and honorably served in the United States Air Force for almost nine years...


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105 N. Washington St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314

Or you can call us

Phone: 571-781-CITY (2489)